B is for Birthday, and bubbles, and bathe, and balloons, and bumble bee….. and I think we covered them all and then some!! So join us in wishing a very BIG Happy B Day to this sweet angel it was an amazing day.
So I arrived at the log cabin out in Camden County for a morning photo session, and I was sure that I had found Heaven on Earth, with the Angel included. There were baby goats, cows swimming and drinking in the back yard, cool breezes whispering through the trees that shadowed the pond side as the geese and ducks played in the water, and to our delight they even photo bombed us a few times. Even more than that there were happy good vibes, and we had a blast. Family is everything and to see this beautiful family celebrate together, during this gorgeous smash cake and then some photo session, was like music to my soul. So excited to wish little Lexi a very Happy First Birthday, I can’t wait to see all the wonderful things she will do.
Here’s a little sneak peek…. Enjoy!
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