This is real life guys… It’s chaotic, unpredictable, and passes us by in the blink of an eye. (I didn’t really mean to rhyme there, lol) and it’s also beautiful, breathtaking, and so much fun…
What can I say, families like this one that bring me back to the reason why I wanted to do photography in the first place. I wanted to tell a story, and to show people how magnificent they look, just living their lives. I know how it feels to go for weeks so busy trying to juggle everything that there is to do as a mother. And that there is no time to worry at all about how you look. I also know that even though these weeks, months, or even years go on this doesn’t mean you don’t care. I want to remind all of the mothers, grandmothers, and yes even dads that they are shining even when they aren’t thinking about it. That this chaos is beautiful, and give them a chance to freeze a moment or two.
This was a very special session, because the Leeds had there children and their families visiting from out of town. So this isn’t everyday life all the time for them now and you can just feel the love and gratitude in every image.
I showed up for their session and it was awesome!
I was a little early so I got to see everyone getting ready, scrambling around a little worried that I was early and hoping I wasn’t trying to start before they were ready… lol The kids were less than excited about the session and their outfits and everyone, of course was a little nervous about this stranger in their house getting ready to stick a camera in their face. I loved every second of it. Because, I’ll say it again guys, REAL LIFE; isn’t this just the way it is every day in a family. Everyone just trying to get themselves together, right? And at the same time trying to prepare their little ones for this big world and this little thing called life.
It’s crazy guys, I know. But needless to say, it all worked out just fine, no way better than fine. It was amazing!
If a picture is worth a thousand words, then I would humbly suggest that these are worth a million. Not because I took them, but because they brought it 100%! Just look at all the smoochies and snuggles. The kids were so embarrassed when their parents kissed. I mean these moments are EVERYTHING in a family. I feel so blessed to have the chance to capture these for my families and I am eternally grateful that they share their stories with me.
I told the kids that I would never ask them to smile, and I didn’t. So everything you see here is real, just as it should be. It was absolute magic to see this family just being themselves and loving their time together. Seriously, it still brings tears to my eyes…
I could go on and on adoring these beautiful souls, but I’ll finish this post with quote of the words she said, right before the click on the last picture. I am sending my most heartfelt appreciation for such a fun photo session. And also for the lump in my throat and all the happy tears of inspiration cried, just seeing them being their amazing selves!
This is what she said right before I took the last picture, and I love this so much. Because they aren’t looking at me, they are looking at their children. And you can feel it when you look at them…..
” Just stand here and look… look at our beautiful family. I think we did pretty good.”

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